Beruflich Dokumente
Kultur Dokumente
Jonathan H. Grossman - The Art of Alibi - English Law Courts and The novel-JHU Press (2002)
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Kretzmer, Targeted Killing - EJK or Legitimate Defence
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Lawrence Douglas - The Memory of Judgment - Making Law and History in The Trials of The Holocaust-Yale University Press (2001)
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Mac Darrow - Between Light and Shadow (Studies in International Law) - Hart Publishing (2003)
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Hugh C. Hansen - US Intellectual Property Law and Policy-Edward Elgar Pub (2006)
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Anne McKinney - Real Resumes for Police, Law Enforcement and Security Jobs_ Including Real Resumes Used to Change Careers and Transfer Skills to Other Industries) (Real-Resumes Series)-Prep Pub (2002)
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(INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF ETHICS, LAW, AND THE NEW MEDICINE 48) Jay Schulkin, Kristen A. Matteson (Auth.), William F. Rayburn, Jay Schulkin (Eds.) - Changing Landscape of Academic Women's Health Care
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(Health Economics, Policy and Management) Elias Mossialos, Govin Permanand, Rita Baeten - Health Systems Governance in Europe_ The Role of European Union Law and Policy-Cambridge University Press (201
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(Cambridge Bioethics and Law) Mark Taylor - Genetic Data and The Law - A Critical Perspective On Privacy Protection-Cambridge University Press (2012)
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