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Cover image for Massive Resources For Every PHP Developer To Bookmark
Mohamed Hassan
Mohamed Hassan

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Massive Resources For Every PHP Developer To Bookmark

If you are a php dev then keep reading till the end of the post. I got a lot of good stuff for you. And if you hate php, it is not going to hurt you to keep reading. Consider reading for a future reference.

I have written short descriptions on every section to not bore you out. All i want is you getting to the end of the post to get the whole resources

And to the point :)


LINK: killerphp.com
One of the most insightful websites when it comes to php and web development in general. It contains blogs, videos, short tutorials... etc. It has been around since 2010 now, So give it a try.


LINK: nomadphp.com
Every php developer's recourse when it comes to conferences, workshops, and talks. It has hundreds of written tutorials about php development, best practices and so on.


LINK: phptpoint.com
An unrated huge source of knowledge about php, oop, and advanced php stuff.


LINK: dna88.com
The domain sounds weird, I know, but the website is unbelievable. It contains everything you need. I mean literally EVERYTHING (Frameworks, Routers, HTTP, Template, Imagery, Testing, Docs, Security, Recommendations for books) and the list goes on and on.

5-PHP the right way

LINK: phptherightway.com
It is the best documentation out there, maybe better than the official. All the stuff you need to start with is there.


LINK: phppot.com
It is really great for beginners. It helps them to create projects to train themselves with real-world source codes. It contains a ton of projects and most importantly, it is free of charge.


LINK: phpclasses.org
There is no php dev that does not know about this website. It is big on scripts, written tutorials, jobs, even book reviews.


LINK: phparch.com
A whole magazine for php devs. Also great for book reviews, talks, and tutorials.


LINK: phpflow.com
One of my favorite recourses. More and more blogs, tutorials and source codes. It is also great for MySQL, jquery and angular.


LINK: phpclicks.com
It has a variety of advanced yet interactive content about php, mysql, jquery, and wordpress.


LINK: packagist.org
Every php developer's recourse of packages. It contains everything you need to know about opensource composer packages. The website is integrated well to github to ease the process of creating and publishing new packages.


These just are my personal favorite resources. Have anything to share with me? Feel free to comment down below. Thanks for reading :)

Top comments (5)

wnbsmart profile image
Maroje Macola

Cool list, Mohamed!

I would suggest adding related website link on each heading/resource name :)

moha1234566044 profile image
Mohamed Hassan

sure will do it :)
will include the link under each resource name :)

mjcoder profile image
Mohammad Javed

Nice! I've bookmarked this to check at a later time when I'm free. This will definitely come in handy.

moha1234566044 profile image
Mohamed Hassan

I am glad to help :)

franky04 profile image
Giancarlo Urone

extremely useful article, thanks!