PG2020 Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers
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Pacific Graphics 2020 - Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers
Proceedings published in 2020, Articles to be presented in 2021: Wellington, New Zealand
(for Full Papers (CGF) see PG 2020 - CGF 39-7)
Proceedings published in 2020, Articles to be presented in 2021: Wellington, New Zealand
(for Full Papers (CGF) see PG 2020 - CGF 39-7)
An Energy-Conserving Hair Shading Model Based on Neural Style Transfer
Illumination Space: A Feature Space for Radiance Maps
Creation and Reconstruction
A Deep Learning Based Interactive Sketching System for Fashion Images Design
Monocular 3D Fluid Volume Reconstruction Based on a Multilayer External Force Guiding Model
Geometric Computations
A Robust Feature-aware Sparse Mesh Representation
Simple Simulation of Curved Folds Based on Ruling-aware Triangulation
Using Landmarks for Near-Optimal Pathfinding on the CPU and GPU
Interactive Video Completion with SiamMask
Reconstructing Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue-noise in Screen Space
Day-to-Night Road Scene Image Translation Using Semantic Segmentation
Work-in-Progress Papers
RTSDF: Generating Signed Distance Fields in Real Time for Soft Shadow Rendering
Stroke Synthesis for Inbetweening of Rough Line Animations
BibTeX (PG2020 Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers)
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201223,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{Illumination Space: A Feature Space for Radiance Maps}},author = {Chalmers, AndrewandZickler, ToddandRhee, Taehyun}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201223}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201222,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{An Energy-Conserving Hair Shading Model Based on Neural Style Transfer}},author = {Qiao, ZhiandKanai, Takashi}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201222}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201224,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{A Deep Learning Based Interactive Sketching System for Fashion Images Design}},author = {Li, YaoandYu, Xiang GangandHan, Xiao GuangandJiang, Nian JuanandJia, KuiandLu, Jiang Bo}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201224}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201226,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{A Robust Feature-aware Sparse Mesh Representation}},author = {Fuentes Perez, Lizeth JoselineandRomero Calla, Luciano ArnaldoandMontenegro, Anselmo AntunesandMura, ClaudioandPajarola, Renato}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201226}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201225,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{Monocular 3D Fluid Volume Reconstruction Based on a Multilayer External Force Guiding Model}},author = {Su, ZhiyuanandNie, XiaoyingandShen, XukunandHu, Yong}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201225}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201229,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{Interactive Video Completion with SiamMask}},author = {Tsubota, SatsukiandOkabe, Makoto}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201229}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201228,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{Using Landmarks for Near-Optimal Pathfinding on the CPU and GPU}},author = {Reischl, MaximilianandKnauer, ChristianandGuthe, Michael}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201228}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201227,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{Simple Simulation of Curved Folds Based on Ruling-aware Triangulation}},author = {Sasaki, KosukeandMitani, Jun}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201227}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201230,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{Reconstructing Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue-noise in Screen Space}},author = {Liu, HongliandHan, Honglei}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201230}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201233,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{Stroke Synthesis for Inbetweening of Rough Line Animations}},author = {Chen, JiazhouandZhu, XindingandBĂ©nard, PierreandBarla, Pascal}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201233}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201232,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{RTSDF: Generating Signed Distance Fields in Real Time for Soft Shadow Rendering}},author = {Tan, Yu WeiandChua, NicholasandKoh, ClarenceandBhojan, Anand}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201232}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:pg.20201231,booktitle = {Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers},editor = {Lee, Sung-hee and Zollmann, Stefanie and Okabe, Makoto and Wuensche, Burkhard}, title = {{Day-to-Night Road Scene Image Translation Using Semantic Segmentation}},author = {Baek, Seung YoupandLee, Sungkil}, year = {2020},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-120-5},DOI = {10.2312/pg.20201231}}