Prof. Goran Bandov PhD, Lawyer and Politic Scientist, Full Professor, Rotary Peace Fellow (2017), Global Young Academy Fellow, Associate Fellow of World Academy of Art and Science, Head of International Relations and Sustainable Development University Centre at the University of Zagreb and former Vice Dean at Dag Hammarskjöld University College of International Relations and Diplomacy in Zagreb (2009-2019) is a European expert in International Relations and International Law with focus on Human and Minority Rights Protection, Peace Studies and Sustainable Development. Bandov earned his Master in Law at the University of Osijek (2003), Master of Peace and Security Studies at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies in Hamburg (2005), PhD in Philosophy and Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg (2009) and his postdoctoral specialisation at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok (2017).
Prof. Bandov published the book “Der Schutz nationaler Minderheiten in der Republik Kroatien als Instrument zur Pravention ethnopolitischer Konflikte” and more than 40 papers worldwide on the subjects of International Relations, International Law, Diplomacy, Human and Minority Rights, Peace, Dealing With The Past, Sustainable Developments, EU and International Organizations. He has more than 17 years of experience in teaching the following university courses: International Relations, International Law, International Human and Minority Rights, Peace, Diplomacy, Security, UN Agenda 2030, Southeast Europe.
He holds the position of Full Professor at North University of Croatia (since 2021), Scientific Adviser at the University of Zagreb (since 2021) and Vertrauensdozent (trust lecturer) Friedrich Nauman Foundation, Germany (since 2013). He held different academic positions in Germany, Croatia and Swiss, among others the position of Research Fellow at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (2009-2014), Research Fellow at the Institute for Research of Genocide, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (2012-2019), Senior Research Fellow at University of Zagreb (2014-2021), Associate Professor at the Geneva School of Diplomacy (2013-2021) as well at the Dubrovnik International University Associate Professor (2014-2021).
Since 2004 he participated in numerous Academic Projects as a Head, Coordinator and Co-Coordinator. In addition to this, he organized and led various fact-finding missions to Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, the USA, Vatican and Vietnam. In additions, Professor Bandov holds guest lectures in Astana, Almaty, Baku, Bangkok, Belgrade, Berlin, Boston, Budapest, Cambridge, Cluj, Colombo, Denver, Dubrovnik, Flensburg, Hamburg, Hanoi, Istanbul, Jaffna, Jakarta, Jenna, Jerusalem, Los Angeles, Madrid, Moscow, New Delhi, Osijek, Pécs, Prague, Rijeka, Sarajevo, Skopje, Split, Strasbourg, Vatican, Vienna, Zagreb and Zwickau.
Prof. Bandov is member of different academic editorial and publisher boards, among others: International editorial board of the academic journal Macedonian Political Science (Skopje, Macedonia) since 2010; editorial board of the academic journal “Journal of Political Science Studies” (Edirne, Turkey) since 2013, editorial board of the academic journal “International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy“ (Maribor, Slovenia) since 2015; international advisory board of the “Journal of Liberty and International Affairs”, (Bitola, Macedonia) since 2020; He was editorial board of the academic journal “Međunarodne studije” (Zagreb, Croatia) 2009-2019.
Bandov is the winner of the award - jubilee medal "80 years of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" - for his contribution to the development of the university (2014). In his academic engagement he has been supported by the Rotary International - Peace Fellowship, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Federal Foreign Office of Germany; CENTURIO; the Robert Bosch Foundation; Open Society – SOROS; AJC – American Jewish Committee; Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty, University of Hamburg and Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia.
Prof. Bandov published the book “Der Schutz nationaler Minderheiten in der Republik Kroatien als Instrument zur Pravention ethnopolitischer Konflikte” and more than 40 papers worldwide on the subjects of International Relations, International Law, Diplomacy, Human and Minority Rights, Peace, Dealing With The Past, Sustainable Developments, EU and International Organizations. He has more than 17 years of experience in teaching the following university courses: International Relations, International Law, International Human and Minority Rights, Peace, Diplomacy, Security, UN Agenda 2030, Southeast Europe.
He holds the position of Full Professor at North University of Croatia (since 2021), Scientific Adviser at the University of Zagreb (since 2021) and Vertrauensdozent (trust lecturer) Friedrich Nauman Foundation, Germany (since 2013). He held different academic positions in Germany, Croatia and Swiss, among others the position of Research Fellow at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (2009-2014), Research Fellow at the Institute for Research of Genocide, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (2012-2019), Senior Research Fellow at University of Zagreb (2014-2021), Associate Professor at the Geneva School of Diplomacy (2013-2021) as well at the Dubrovnik International University Associate Professor (2014-2021).
Since 2004 he participated in numerous Academic Projects as a Head, Coordinator and Co-Coordinator. In addition to this, he organized and led various fact-finding missions to Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, the USA, Vatican and Vietnam. In additions, Professor Bandov holds guest lectures in Astana, Almaty, Baku, Bangkok, Belgrade, Berlin, Boston, Budapest, Cambridge, Cluj, Colombo, Denver, Dubrovnik, Flensburg, Hamburg, Hanoi, Istanbul, Jaffna, Jakarta, Jenna, Jerusalem, Los Angeles, Madrid, Moscow, New Delhi, Osijek, Pécs, Prague, Rijeka, Sarajevo, Skopje, Split, Strasbourg, Vatican, Vienna, Zagreb and Zwickau.
Prof. Bandov is member of different academic editorial and publisher boards, among others: International editorial board of the academic journal Macedonian Political Science (Skopje, Macedonia) since 2010; editorial board of the academic journal “Journal of Political Science Studies” (Edirne, Turkey) since 2013, editorial board of the academic journal “International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy“ (Maribor, Slovenia) since 2015; international advisory board of the “Journal of Liberty and International Affairs”, (Bitola, Macedonia) since 2020; He was editorial board of the academic journal “Međunarodne studije” (Zagreb, Croatia) 2009-2019.
Bandov is the winner of the award - jubilee medal "80 years of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" - for his contribution to the development of the university (2014). In his academic engagement he has been supported by the Rotary International - Peace Fellowship, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Federal Foreign Office of Germany; CENTURIO; the Robert Bosch Foundation; Open Society – SOROS; AJC – American Jewish Committee; Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty, University of Hamburg and Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia.
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Papers by Goran Bandov
This paper analyses the relation between theatrical and performative characteristics, and concepts of transitional and restorative justice; the influence of elements of performance is also studied in TRC’s effect on creating national narratives, which are used to legitimate new legal and political order.
zaštite etničkih i nacionalnih zajednica. Njezini instrumenti namijenjeni
su zaštiti etničkog i nacionalnog identiteta, a kroz njega i zaštiti
kulturalnih vrijednosti na kojima se temelji sama zajednica. Iako znanstvene škole etniciteta nemaju jedinstven stav prema kulturi, kulturalnim vrijednostima te njihovom utjecaju na etnički i nacionalni identitet, teško je zamisliti modernu manjinsku politiku bez kulturalnih instrumenata.
Samo njihova primjerena zaštita može osigurati postojanje
etničkih i nacionalnih zajednica. Najmoćniji instrument kulturalne
manjinske zaštite je materinji jezik, koji je neodvojivi dio etničkog i nacionalnog identiteta. Unutar instrumentarija kulturalne zaštite nalaze
se mnogobrojni instrumenti poput obrazovanja i informiranja na manjinskom jeziku, udruživanja pripadnika manjinske zajednice u kulturalne udruge i institucije te simbola i znakovlja manjinske zajednice.
states: Brazil, Russia, India and China. This group of states represents a relatively new, but
powerful and influential group of states in the world order. The contemporary international
relations, global and regional, are unimaginable without these states, which are home to over 40
per cent of the world population. BRIC states are changing geo-economics of the world and
indicate a gradual and evolutionary deflection of the relative economic power from the most
developed states. However, BRIC states are not changing the world economic order
quintessentially, since it is defined and ruled by globalisation and the neoliberal ideology. BRIC
states are using neoliberal ideology to develop their economies and base their development on the
economic growth and the rapidly increasing exploitation of the natural resources.
Key Words: BRIC states, geo-economics, world economic order, SWOT analysis
This paper analyses the relation between theatrical and performative characteristics, and concepts of transitional and restorative justice; the influence of elements of performance is also studied in TRC’s effect on creating national narratives, which are used to legitimate new legal and political order.
zaštite etničkih i nacionalnih zajednica. Njezini instrumenti namijenjeni
su zaštiti etničkog i nacionalnog identiteta, a kroz njega i zaštiti
kulturalnih vrijednosti na kojima se temelji sama zajednica. Iako znanstvene škole etniciteta nemaju jedinstven stav prema kulturi, kulturalnim vrijednostima te njihovom utjecaju na etnički i nacionalni identitet, teško je zamisliti modernu manjinsku politiku bez kulturalnih instrumenata.
Samo njihova primjerena zaštita može osigurati postojanje
etničkih i nacionalnih zajednica. Najmoćniji instrument kulturalne
manjinske zaštite je materinji jezik, koji je neodvojivi dio etničkog i nacionalnog identiteta. Unutar instrumentarija kulturalne zaštite nalaze
se mnogobrojni instrumenti poput obrazovanja i informiranja na manjinskom jeziku, udruživanja pripadnika manjinske zajednice u kulturalne udruge i institucije te simbola i znakovlja manjinske zajednice.
states: Brazil, Russia, India and China. This group of states represents a relatively new, but
powerful and influential group of states in the world order. The contemporary international
relations, global and regional, are unimaginable without these states, which are home to over 40
per cent of the world population. BRIC states are changing geo-economics of the world and
indicate a gradual and evolutionary deflection of the relative economic power from the most
developed states. However, BRIC states are not changing the world economic order
quintessentially, since it is defined and ruled by globalisation and the neoliberal ideology. BRIC
states are using neoliberal ideology to develop their economies and base their development on the
economic growth and the rapidly increasing exploitation of the natural resources.
Key Words: BRIC states, geo-economics, world economic order, SWOT analysis