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Time-based tags for fiction movies: comparing experts to novices using a video labeling game

Published: 01 February 2017 Publication History


The cultural heritage sector has embraced social tagging as a way to increase both access to online content and to engage users with their digital collections. In this article, we build on two current lines of research. a We use Waisda?, an existing labeling game, to add time-based annotations to content. b In this context, we investigate the role of experts in human-based computation nichesourcing. We report on a small-scale experiment in which we applied Waisda? to content from film archives. We study the differences in the type of time-based tags between experts and novices for film clips in a crowdsourcing setting. The findings show high similarity in the number and type of tags mostly factual. In the less frequent tags, however, experts used more domain-specific terms. We conclude that competitive games are not suited to elicit real expert-level descriptions. We also confirm that providing guidelines, based on conceptual frameworks that are more suited to moving images in a time-based fashion, could result in increasing the quality of the tags, thus allowing for creating more tag-based innovative services for online audiovisual heritage.


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  • (2022)Socio-Economic Diversity in Human AnnotationsProceedings of the 14th ACM Web Science Conference 202210.1145/3501247.3531588(98-109)Online publication date: 26-Jun-2022



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