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Sensitivity analysis of an availability model for disaster tolerant cloud computing system

Published: 08 November 2018 Publication History


Because of the dependence on Internet‐based services, many efforts have been conceived to mitigate the impact of disasters on service provision. In this context, cloud computing has become an interesting alternative for implementing disaster tolerant services due to its resource on‐demand and pay‐as‐you‐go models. This paper proposes a sensitivity analysis approach to assess the parameters that most impact the availability of cloud data centers, taking into account disaster occurrence, hardware and software failures, and disaster recovery mechanisms for cloud systems. The analysis adopts continuous‐time Markov chains, and the results indicate that disaster issues should not be neglected. Hardware failure rate and time for migration of virtual machines (VMs) are the critical factors pointed out for the system modeled in our analysis. Moreover, the location where data centers are placed has a significant impact on system availability, due to time for migrating VMs from a backup server.

Graphical Abstract

This paper proposes a sensitivity analysis approach to assess the parameters that most impact the availability of cloud data centers, taking into account disaster occurrence, hardware and software failures, and disaster recovery mechanisms for cloud systems. The analysis adopts continuous‐time Markov chains, and the results indicate that disaster issues should not be neglected. Hardware failure rate and time for migration of virtual machines are the critical factors pointed out for the system modeled in our analysis.


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cover image International Journal of Network Management
International Journal of Network Management  Volume 28, Issue 6
November/December 2018
150 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 08 November 2018


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  • (2023)NoSQL-based storage systems: influence of consistency on performance, availability and energy consumptionThe Journal of Supercomputing10.1007/s11227-023-05488-679:18(21424-21448)Online publication date: 20-Jun-2023
  • (2021)Data Processing on Edge and Cloud: A Performability Evaluation and Sensitivity AnalysisJournal of Network and Systems Management10.1007/s10922-021-09592-x29:3Online publication date: 1-Jul-2021

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