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View all- Tredup RErofeev E(2021)On the parameterized complexity of the synthesis of Boolean nets with restricted place environmentsTheoretical Computer Science10.1016/j.tcs.2021.08.014890:C(36-69)Online publication date: 12-Oct-2021
Though constructing a sequential system model may be technically uncomplicated and rather ‘straightforward’, its result is often cumbersome and difficult to analyze since all possible interleavings of system's actions have to be ...
In this paper, we investigate the parameterized complexity of d-restricted-synthesis (dRS) parameterized by d for a range of Boolean types of nets . We show that dRS is W[1]-hard for 64 of 128 possible Boolean types that allow places and ...
For many fixed-parameter problems that are trivially soluable in polynomial-time, such as ($k$-)DOMINATING SET, essentially no better algorithm is presently known than the one which tries all possible solutions. Other problems, such as ($k$-)...
Berlin, Heidelberg