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10.1007/978-3-030-64276-1_8guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Occupancy Number Restricted Boolean Petri Net Synthesis: A Fixed-Parameter Algorithm

Published: 30 November 2020 Publication History


Let τ be a Boolean type of net. For a given transition system A and a natural number ρ, the problem occupancyρ-restrictedτ-synthesis (ORτS) is the task to decide whether there is a Boolean Petri net N of type τ whose reachability graph is isomorphic to A and, moreover, every place of N contains a token in at most ρ reachable markings. In case of a positive decision, N should be constructed. In this paper, we argue that ORτS is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by ρ.


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Cited By

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  • (2021)On the parameterized complexity of the synthesis of Boolean nets with restricted place environmentsTheoretical Computer Science10.1016/j.tcs.2021.08.014890:C(36-69)Online publication date: 12-Oct-2021

Index Terms

  1. Occupancy Number Restricted Boolean Petri Net Synthesis: A Fixed-Parameter Algorithm
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image Guide Proceedings
          Theoretical Aspects of Computing – ICTAC 2020: 17th International Colloquium, Macau, China, November 30 – December 4, 2020, Proceedings
          Nov 2020
          326 pages
          • Editors:
          • Violet Ka I Pun,
          • Volker Stolz,
          • Adenilso Simao



          Berlin, Heidelberg

          Publication History

          Published: 30 November 2020

          Author Tags

          1. Synthesis
          2. Parameterized complexity
          3. Boolean Petri net
          4. Fixed-parameter tractability
          5. Transition system


          • Article


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          • (2021)On the parameterized complexity of the synthesis of Boolean nets with restricted place environmentsTheoretical Computer Science10.1016/j.tcs.2021.08.014890:C(36-69)Online publication date: 12-Oct-2021

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