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View all- Dütting PFeng ZNarasimhan HParkes DRavindranath S(2024)Optimal Auctions through Deep Learning: Advances in Differentiable EconomicsJournal of the ACM10.1145/363074971:1(1-53)Online publication date: 11-Feb-2024
We study large markets with a single seller who can produce many types of goods, and many multi-minded buyers. The seller chooses posted prices for its many items, and the buyers purchase bundles to maximize their utility. For this setting, we consider ...
We study the problem where a group of agents need to choose from a finite set of social outcomes. We assume every agent's valuation for every outcome is bounded and the bounds are public information. For our model, no mechanism simultaneously satisfies ...
We consider the black-box reduction from multi-dimensional revenue maximization to virtual welfare maximization. Cai et al. [12, 13, 14, 15] show a polynomial-time approximation-preserving reduction, however, the mechanism produced by their reduction is ...
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