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10.1007/978-3-031-20980-2_27guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Continuous Wavelet Transform for Severity-Level Classification of Dysarthria

Published: 14 November 2022 Publication History


Dysarthria is a neuro-motor speech defect that causes speech to be unintelligible and is largely unnoticeable to humans at various severity-levels. Dysarthric speech classification is used as a diagnostic method to assess the progression of a patient’s severity of the condition, as well as to aid with automatic dysarthric speech recognition systems (an important assistive speech technology). This study investigates the significance of Generalized Morse Wavelet (GMW)-based scalogram features for capturing the discriminative acoustic cues of dysarthric severity-level classification for low-frequency regions, using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The performance of scalogram-based features is compared with Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT)-based features, and Mel spectrogram-based features. Compared to the STFT-based baseline features with a classification accuracy of 91.76%, the proposed Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT)-based scalogram features achieve significantly improved classification accuracy of 95.17% on standard and statistically meaningful UA-Speech corpus. The remarkably improved results signify that for better dysarthric severity-level classification, the information in the low-frequency regions is more discriminative, as the proposed CWT-based time-frequency representation (scalogram) has a high-frequency resolution in the lower frequencies. On the other hand, STFT-based representations have constant resolution across all the frequency bands and therefore, are not as better suited for dysarthric severity-level classification, as the proposed Morse wavelet-based CWT features. In addition, we also perform experiments on the Mel spectrogram to demonstrate that even though the Mel spectrogram also has a high frequency resolution in the lower frequencies with a classification accuracy of 92.65%, the proposed system is better suited. We see an increase of 3.41% and 2.52% in classification accuracy of the proposed system to STFT and Mel spectrogram respectively. To that effect, the performance of the STFT, Mel spectrogram, and scalogram are analyzed using F1-Score, Matthew’s Correlation Coefficients (MCC), Jaccard Index, Hamming Loss, and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) scatter plots.


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  1. Continuous Wavelet Transform for Severity-Level Classification of Dysarthria
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            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            cover image Guide Proceedings
            Speech and Computer: 24th International Conference, SPECOM 2022, Gurugram, India, November 14–16, 2022, Proceedings
            Nov 2022
            736 pages



            Berlin, Heidelberg

            Publication History

            Published: 14 November 2022

            Author Tags

            1. Wavelet transform
            2. Dysarthria
            3. UA-Speech corpus
            4. Morse wavelet
            5. CNN


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