Cited By
View all- Capecchi SCastellani IDezani-Ciancaglini M(2019)Typing access control and secure information flow in sessionsInformation and Computation10.1016/j.ic.2014.07.005238:C(68-105)Online publication date: 4-Jan-2019
- Jiague MFrappier MGervais FLaleau RSt-Denis R(2010)From ASTD access control policies to WS-BPEL processes deployed in a SOA environmentProceedings of the 2010 international conference on Web information systems engineering10.5555/2044492.2044506(126-141)Online publication date: 12-Dec-2010
- Capecchi SCastellani IDezani-Ciancaglini MRezk T(2010)Session types for access and information flow controlProceedings of the 21st international conference on Concurrency theory10.5555/1887654.1887671(237-252)Online publication date: 31-Aug-2010