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View all- Hirokawa NMiddeldorp A(2010)Decreasing diagrams and relative terminationProceedings of the 5th international conference on Automated Reasoning10.1007/978-3-642-14203-1_41(487-501)Online publication date: 16-Jul-2010
This paper describes CONFident, a tool which is able to automatically prove and disprove confluence of variants of rewrite systems: term rewriting systems, conditional term rewriting systems (using join, oriented, or semi-equational semantics), ...
This paper builds on a fundamental notion of rewriting theory that characterizes confluence of a (binary) rewriting relation, Klop's cofinal derivations. Cofinal derivations were used by van Oostrom to obtain another characterization of confluence of a ...
This article describes the confluence framework, a novel framework for proving and disproving confluence using a divide-and-conquer modular strategy, and its implementation in CONFident. Using this approach, we are able to automatically prove and ...
Berlin, Heidelberg