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10.1007/978-3-642-54013-4_9guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Cascade 2.0

Published: 19 January 2014 Publication History


Cascade is a program static analysis tool developed at New York University. Cascade takes as input a program and a control file. The control file specifies one or more assertions to be checked together with restrictions on program behaviors. The tool generates verification conditions for the specified assertions and checks them using an SMT solver which either produces a proof or gives a concrete trace showing how an assertion can fail. Version 2.0 supports the majority of standard C features except for floating point. It can be used to verify both memory safety as well as user-defined assertions. In this paper, we describe the Cascade system including some of its distinguishing features such as its support for different memory models trading off precision for scalability and its ability to reason about linked data structures.


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Cited By

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  • (2021)Model checking boot code from AWS data centersFormal Methods in System Design10.1007/s10703-020-00344-257:1(34-52)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2021
  • (2021)Abstract Interpretation of LLVM with a Region-Based Memory ModelSoftware Verification10.1007/978-3-030-95561-8_8(122-144)Online publication date: 18-Jul-2021
  • (2020)Leveraging Compiler Intermediate Representation for Multi- and Cross-Language VerificationVerification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation10.1007/978-3-030-39322-9_5(90-111)Online publication date: 16-Jan-2020



Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
VMCAI 2014: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation - Volume 8318
January 2014
491 pages
  • Editors:
  • Kenneth Mcmillan,
  • Xavier Rival



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 19 January 2014


  • Article


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  • (2021)Model checking boot code from AWS data centersFormal Methods in System Design10.1007/s10703-020-00344-257:1(34-52)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2021
  • (2021)Abstract Interpretation of LLVM with a Region-Based Memory ModelSoftware Verification10.1007/978-3-030-95561-8_8(122-144)Online publication date: 18-Jul-2021
  • (2020)Leveraging Compiler Intermediate Representation for Multi- and Cross-Language VerificationVerification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation10.1007/978-3-030-39322-9_5(90-111)Online publication date: 16-Jan-2020

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