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Efficient solutions to multicast routing in communication networks

Published: 01 October 1996 Publication History


An important problemin both wireless and wired communication networks is to be able to efficiently multicast information to a group of network sites. Multicasting reduces the transmission overhead of both wireless and wired networks and the time it takes for all the nodes in the subset to receive the information. Since transmission bandwidth is a scarce commodity especially in wireless networks, efficient and near minimum-cost multicast algorithms are particularly useful in the wireless context. In this paper, we discuss methods of establishing efficient and near minimum-cost multicast routing in communication networks. In particular, we discuss an efficient implementation of a widely used multicast routing method which can construct a multicast tree with a cost no greater than twice the cost of an optimal tree. We also present two efficient multicast tree constructions for a general version of the multicast routing problem in which a network consists of different classes of nodes, where each class can have one or more nodes of the same characteristic which is different fromthe characteristics of nodes fromother classes. Because of their efficient running times, these multicast routing methods are particularly useful in the mobile communication environments where topology changes will imply recomputation of the multicast trees. Furthermore, the proposed efficient and near minimum-cost multicast routing methods are particularly suited to the wireless communication environments, where transmission bandwidth is more scarce than wired communication environments.


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Published In

cover image Mobile Networks and Applications
Mobile Networks and Applications  Volume 1, Issue 2
Special issue: routing in mobile communications networks
Oct. 1996
140 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 01 October 1996


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