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Specification and correctness proof of a WAM extension with abstract type constraints

Published: 01 July 1996 Publication History


We provide a mathematical specification of an extension of Warren's Abstract Machine (WAM) for executing Prolog to type-constraint logic programming and prove its correctness. Our aim is to provide a full specification and correctness proof of a concrete system, the PROTOS Abstract Machine (PAM), an extension of the WAM by polymorphic order-sorted unification as required by the logic programming language PROTOS-L.
In this paper, while leaving the details of the PAM's type constraint representation and solving facilities to a sequel to this work, we keep the notion of types and dynamic type constraints abstract to allow applications to different constraint formalisms like Prolog III or CLP(R). This generality permits us to introduce modular extensions of Börger's and Rosenzweig's formal derivation of the WAM. Since the type constraint handling is orthogonal to the compilation of predicates and clauses, we start from type-constraint Prolog algebras with compiled AND/OR structure that are derived from Börger's and Rosenzweig's corresponding compiled standard Prolog algebras. The specification of the type-constraint WAM extension is then given by a sequence of evolving algebras, each representing a refinement level, and for each refinement step a correctness proof is given. Thus, we obtain the theorem that for every such abstract type-constraint logic programming system L, every compiler to the WAM extension with an abstract notion of types which satisfies the specified conditions, is correct.



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Published In

cover image Formal Aspects of Computing
Formal Aspects of Computing  Volume 8, Issue 4
Jul 1996
120 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 01 July 1996
Published in FAC Volume 8, Issue 4

Author Tags

  1. Constraint logic programming
  2. Abstract machine
  3. WAM
  4. Types
  5. Type constraint
  6. Correctness proof
  7. Evolving algebras


  • Research-article


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