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Issues in the design of a parallel object-oriented language

Published: 01 March 1989 Publication History


This paper discusses the considerations that have played a role in the design of the language POOL2. This language integrates the structuring techniques of object-oriented programming with mechanisms for expressing parallelism. We introduce the basic principles of object-oriented programming and its significance for program development methodologies. Several approaches for integrating objects and parallelism are compared and arguments for the choices made in POOL2 are presented. We also explain why inheritance is not yet included in POOL2. A brief overview of the research in formal aspects of POOL is given. Finally we indicate some directions for future developments.



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cover image Formal Aspects of Computing
Formal Aspects of Computing  Volume 1, Issue 1
Mar 1989
410 pages
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Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Accepted: 15 October 1989
Received: 15 October 1989
Published: 01 March 1989
Published in FAC Volume 1, Issue 1

Author Tags

  1. Object-oriented programming
  2. Parallelism
  3. Programming language design


  • Research-article


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