Cited By
View all- Myoupo JSemé D(2006)Work-efficient BSR-based parallel algorithms for some fundamental problems in graph theoryThe Journal of Supercomputing10.1007/s11227-006-9157-538:1(83-107)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2006
A new fully-pipelined systolic algorithm for finding all the bridges of an undirected connected graph is proposed. Given a graph of n vertices and m edges, the proposed algorithm uses (2n-2) systolic cells and runs in (m + 3n - 3) systolic cycles. This ...
For two positive integers m,k and a connected graph G=(V,E) with a nonnegative vertex weight function w, the balanced m-connected k-partition problem, denoted as BCmPk, is to find a partition of V into k disjoint nonempty vertex subsets (V1,V2,,Vk) such ...
Let G=(V,E) be a graph without isolated vertices and having at least 3 vertices. A set L@?V(G) is a liar@?s dominating set if (1) |N"G[v]@?L|>=2 for all v@?V(G), and (2) |(N"G[u]@?N"G[v])@?L|>=3 for every pair u,v@?V(G) of distinct vertices in G, where ...
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