Shallow Linear Action Graphs and their Embeddings
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- Shallow Linear Action Graphs and their Embeddings
Linear choosability of graphs
A proper vertex coloring of a non-oriented graph G is linear if the graph induced by the vertices of any two color classes is a forest of paths. A graph G is linearly L-list colorable if for a given list assignment L={L(v):v@?V(G)}, there exists a ...
Hamiltonian cycles in linear-convex supergrid graphs
A supergrid graph is a finite induced subgraph of the infinite graph associated with the two-dimensional supergrid. The supergrid graphs contain grid graphs and triangular grid graphs as subgraphs. The Hamiltonian cycle problem for grid and triangular ...
Orientable embeddings and orientable cycle double covers of projective-planar graphs
In a closed2-cell embedding of a graph each face is homeomorphic to an open disk and is bounded by a cycle in the graph. The Orientable Strong Embedding Conjecture says that every 2-connected graph has a closed 2-cell embedding in some orientable ...
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Berlin, Heidelberg
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