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$$L^{2}$$L2-discretization error bounds for maps into Riemannian manifolds

Published: 01 June 2018 Publication History


We study the approximation of functions that map a Euclidean domain $$\Omega \subset {\mathbb {R}}^{d}$$ΩźRd into an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold (M, g) minimizing an elliptic, semilinear energy in a function set $$H\subset W^{1,2}(\Omega,M)$$HźW1,2(Ω,M). The approximation is given by a restriction of the energy minimization problem to a family of conforming finite-dimensional approximations $$S_{h}\subset H$$ShźH. We provide a set of conditions on $$S_{h}$$Sh such that we can prove a priori $$W^{1,2}$$W1,2- and $$L^{2}$$L2-approximation error estimates comparable to standard Euclidean finite elements. This is done in an intrinsic framework, independently of embeddings of the manifold or the choice of coordinates.


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  1. $$L^{2}$$L2-discretization error bounds for maps into Riemannian manifolds



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Numerische Mathematik
        Numerische Mathematik  Volume 139, Issue 2
        June 2018
        222 pages



        Berlin, Heidelberg

        Publication History

        Published: 01 June 2018

        Author Tags

        1. 65N15
        2. 65N30


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