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Risk-averse two-stage stochastic programs in furniture plants

Published: 01 November 2013 Publication History


We present two-stage stochastic mixed 0---1 optimization models to hedge against uncertainty in production planning of typical small-scale Brazilian furniture plants under stochastic demands and setup times. The proposed models consider cutting and drilling operations as the most limiting production activities, and synchronize them to avoid intermediate work-in-process. To design solutions less sensitive to changes in scenarios, we propose four models that perceive the risk reductions over the scenarios differently. The first model is based on the minimax regret criteria and optimizes a worst-case scenario perspective without needing the probability of the scenarios. The second formulation uses the conditional value-at-risk as the risk measure to avoid solutions influenced by a bad scenario with a low probability. The third strategy is a mean-risk model based on the upper partial mean that aggregates a risk term in the objective function. The last approach is a restricted recourse approach, in which the risk preferences are directly considered in the constraints. Numerical results indicate that it is possible to achieve significant risk reductions using the risk-averse strategies, without overly sacrificing average costs.


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  1. Risk-averse two-stage stochastic programs in furniture plants



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image OR Spectrum
      OR Spectrum  Volume 35, Issue 4
      November 2013
      309 pages



      Berlin, Heidelberg

      Publication History

      Published: 01 November 2013

      Author Tags

      1. Conditional value-at-risk
      2. Furniture industry
      3. Mean-risk
      4. Minimax with regret
      5. Production planning
      6. Restricted recourse
      7. Risk aversion


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      • (2020)Convex approximations for two-stage mixed-integer mean-risk recourse models with conditional value-at-riskMathematical Programming: Series A and B10.1007/s10107-019-01428-6181:2(473-507)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2020
      • (2017)Progressive Selection Method for the Coupled Lot-Sizing and Cutting-Stock ProblemINFORMS Journal on Computing10.5555/3215328.321533729:3(523-543)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2017
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