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BEACon: a boundary embedded attentional convolution network for point cloud instance segmentation

Published: 01 July 2022 Publication History


Motivated by how humans perceive geometry and color to recognize objects, we propose a boundary embedded attentional convolution (BEACon) network for point cloud instance segmentation. At the core of BEACon, we introduce the attentional weight in the convolution layer to adjust the neighboring features, with the weight being adapted to the relationship between geometry and color changes. As a result, BEACon makes use of both geometry and color information, takes instance boundary as an important feature, and thus learns a more discriminative feature representation in the neighborhood. Experimental results show that BEACon outperforms the state-of-the-art by a large margin. Ablation studies are also provided to prove the large benefit of incorporating both geometry and color into attention weight for instance segmentation.


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  1. BEACon: a boundary embedded attentional convolution network for point cloud instance segmentation
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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics
      The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics  Volume 38, Issue 7
      Jul 2022
      350 pages



      Berlin, Heidelberg

      Publication History

      Published: 01 July 2022
      Accepted: 15 March 2021

      Author Tags

      1. 3D point cloud
      2. Instance segmentation
      3. Attentional convolution network


      • Research-article

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      Cited By

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