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Understanding evolving user choices: a neural network analysis of TAXI and ride-hailing services in Barcelona

Published: 30 September 2023 Publication History


Urban mobility stands as a fundamental element worthy of consideration by both society and its leaders. Often, decisions in this realm are made by governing figures without duly factoring in the preferences and needs of citizens. In our study, we delve into the changes that have unfolded within Barcelona from the standpoint of its users. The primary aim of this article is to observe the preferences that these users hold regarding the array of mobility options available to them in the urban environment. To this end, we’ve incorporated various aspects of significant relevance and contemporary presence in today’s society, such as mobility and sustainability, focusing specifically on the two most frequently used types of commercial passenger vehicles (CPV) within urban contexts: taxis and ride-hailing services. To gather the necessary sample data, a survey was conducted with a significance level of 95%. Following an exhaustive examination of the existing literature surrounding these concepts, we proceeded with the analysis of the sample using neural networks. The outcomes garnered encompass user receptiveness to the technological evolution shaping the sector, the utilization of mobile applications, a predisposition to opt for fixed tariffs, and the pivotal role of new blockchain-based technologies (NFTs and fan tokens) in influencing user decision-making.


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  1. Understanding evolving user choices: a neural network analysis of TAXI and ride-hailing services in Barcelona
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications
          Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications  Volume 28, Issue 5
          Mar 2024
          916 pages



          Berlin, Heidelberg

          Publication History

          Published: 30 September 2023
          Accepted: 11 September 2023

          Author Tags

          1. Neural networks
          2. User choice
          3. Taxi
          4. Ride-hailing services
          5. Urban mobility
          6. Barcelona


          • Research-article

          Funding Sources

          • Universitat de Barcelona


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