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Extending "out of the body" tactile phantom sensations to 2D and applying it to mobile interaction

Published: 01 December 2015 Publication History


Funneling and saltation are the two major perceptual illusion techniques for vibro-tactile feedback. They can be used to minimize the number of vibrators on the interaction device in contact with the user body and thereby build a less cumbersome and less expensive feedback device. Recently, these techniques have been found to elicit an "out of the body" experience, i.e., phantom tactile sensations indirectly felt from the handheld object (external to the body). This paper explores the practical applicability of this theoretical result to mobile tactile interaction. Two psychophysical experiments were first conducted to validate the effects of "out of the body" funneling and saltation on an actual handheld smart phone along (1) 1D and (2) when extended, for the first time, to 2D. A third experiment was run to evaluate user experience, applying phantom sensation based on vibro-tactile feedback, using funneling, to a real-world application. Experimental results have confirmed the same "out of the body" 1D illusory effects on an actual mobile device. In addition, a 2D modulated phantom sensation with a resolution of 5 3 on a 3.5-inch display space was achieved through saltation and funneling. Finally, we showed that the phantom sensation does significantly improve the user experience for a real-world application with a small additional cost of a few more vibrators, compared to a conventional single vibrator-based device.


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  • (2024)Survey on Haptic Feedback through Sensory Illusions in Interactive SystemsACM Computing Surveys10.1145/364835356:8(1-39)Online publication date: 10-Apr-2024
  • (2024)Understanding Phantom Tactile Sensation on Commercially Available Social Virtual Reality PlatformsProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36374188:CSCW1(1-22)Online publication date: 26-Apr-2024
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  1. Extending "out of the body" tactile phantom sensations to 2D and applying it to mobile interaction



    Brad D. Reid

    The quest for an all-senses virtual reality is not only of abstract research interest, but has numerous marketplace applications. Researchers have known for decades that the brain map of sensation does not necessarily correspond to physical reality. The authors report on their studies of how vibrators in contact with the skin might be used to generate the desired sensation. Individuals interested in full sensory interfaces will want to read the paper. The researchers focus on the well-known phenomena of funneling and saltation. Funneling occurs when one experiences a number of touches as a single touch to the center of the area. Saltation refers to a sensation of moving touches produced by rapidly tapping two sections of the skin. The so-called cutaneous rabbit illusion has been the subject of much research. The current researchers note that phantom out-of-body sensations, seemingly occurring in empty space, may be generated in some circumstances. The paper's introduction reviews this research with appropriate illustrations. The current researchers' experimental design and devices, utilized with five male and five female paid subjects, are discussed in detail. The researchers state: "The main purpose of our work was to validate whether there was no significant perceptual difference between saltation and funneling-driven phantom sensations and actual sensations." The researchers conclude that their experiments demonstrate that one may upgrade the tactile experience with no more than four vibrators in a handheld device. As they note, this is cost-effective. However, they plan for additional research and testing. With ample illustrations, graphs of responses, and a detailed list of references, the researchers have produced an important and readable report. Online Computing Reviews Service

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    Published In

    cover image Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
    Personal and Ubiquitous Computing  Volume 19, Issue 8
    December 2015
    78 pages



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 01 December 2015

    Author Tags

    1. Funneling
    2. Illusory feedback
    3. Phantom sensation
    4. Saltation
    5. User experience
    6. Vibro-tactile feedback


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