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A virtual reality flight simulator for human factors engineering

Published: 01 September 2017 Publication History


This research presents a virtual reality flight simulator (VRFS) that combines the advantages of desktop simulations and hardware mock-ups, i.e., the flexibility of a desktop flight simulation with the level of immersion close to a full flight simulator. In contrast to similar existing virtual reality flight simulators, the presented system focuses on human factors (HF) engineering and is used for evaluating flight decks in an early phase of the design process. Hence, HF tools that are based on HF methods have been integrated; applying these methods requires collecting objective (e.g., eye tracking, physiological data, head and finger movements) as well as subjective data (e.g., questionnaires). In this paper, three user studies are presented that demonstrate the application of the integrated HF methods and the general usability of the system. These studies have been conducted as part of human---machine interface (HMI) development projects and range from basic cognitive research to HMI evaluations using realistic scenarios. The user studies indicate that HF engineering with the help of this system is possible and a feasible alternative to other means of evaluation. Yet, the abilities are limited due to technological and physiological constraints. This is why the scope of the VRFS lies between desktop simulations and a full hardware mock-up and cannot replace either of those. However, the presented studies show that the system can provide reliable information on the interaction with HMI. Thus, it is a reliable low-cost addition in the early development process of cockpit human machine interaction technologies when it comes to HF evaluations.


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  1. A virtual reality flight simulator for human factors engineering



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Cognition, Technology and Work
      Cognition, Technology and Work  Volume 19, Issue 2-3
      September 2017
      322 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents



      Berlin, Heidelberg

      Publication History

      Published: 01 September 2017

      Author Tags

      1. Flight deck design
      2. Human factors engineering
      3. Virtual reality
      4. Virtual reality flight simulation


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