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Auditing black-box models for indirect influence

Published: 01 January 2018 Publication History


Data-trained predictive models see widespread use, but for the most part they are used as black boxes which output a prediction or score. It is therefore hard to acquire a deeper understanding of model behavior and in particular how different features influence the model prediction. This is important when interpreting the behavior of complex models or asserting that certain problematic attributes (such as race or gender) are not unduly influencing decisions. In this paper, we present a technique for auditing black-box models, which lets us study the extent to which existing models take advantage of particular features in the data set, without knowing how the models work. Our work focuses on the problem of indirect influence: how some features might indirectly influence outcomes via other, related features. As a result, we can find attribute influences even in cases where, upon further direct examination of the model, the attribute is not referred to by the model at all. Our approach does not require the black-box model to be retrained. This is important if, for example, the model is only accessible via an API, and contrasts our work with other methods that investigate feature influence such as feature selection. We present experimental evidence for the effectiveness of our procedure using a variety of publicly available data sets and models. We also validate our procedure using techniques from interpretable learning and feature selection, as well as against other black-box auditing procedures. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique, we use it to audit a black-box recidivism prediction algorithm.


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  1. Auditing black-box models for indirect influence



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    Published In

    cover image Knowledge and Information Systems
    Knowledge and Information Systems  Volume 54, Issue 1
    January 2018
    260 pages



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 01 January 2018

    Author Tags

    1. ANOVA
    2. Algorithmic accountability
    3. Black-box auditing
    4. Deep learning
    5. Discrimination-aware data mining
    6. Feature influence
    7. Interpretable machine learning


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