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Ensemble classification for imbalanced data based on feature space partitioning and hybrid metaheuristics

Published: 01 August 2019 Publication History


One of the most challenging issues when facing a classification problem is to deal with imbalanced datasets. Recently, ensemble classification techniques have proven to be very successful in addressing this problem. We present an ensemble classification approach based on feature space partitioning for imbalanced classification. A hybrid metaheuristic called GACE is used to optimize the different parameters related to the feature space partitioning. To assess the performance of the proposal, an extensive experimentation over imbalanced and real-world datasets compares different configurations and base classifiers. Its performance is competitive with that of reference techniques in the literature.


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      Published In

      cover image Applied Intelligence
      Applied Intelligence  Volume 49, Issue 8
      August 2019
      351 pages


      Kluwer Academic Publishers

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 August 2019

      Author Tags

      1. Ensemble classification
      2. Feature space partitioning
      3. Hybrid metaheuristics
      4. Imbalanced classification


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