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When Plans do not Work Out: How Plans are Used in Software Development Projects

Published: 01 October 2005 Publication History


Based on empirical material from the area of software engineering, this article discusses the issue of plans and planning as an integral part of and prerequisite for software development work. It relates observed practices to literature produced by the Computer Supported Cooperative Work community. Empirical studies of software development practice seldom address re-planning. By analyzing the empirical material from one project we are able to show how certain kinds of co-ordination problems arise and how they may be dealt with. The empirical research does not focus primarily on the character of plans; instead, it raises the question `what means are necessary and should be provided in order to cope with situations when plans do not work out__ __ In relation to plans, especial emphasis is on "due process", i.e. how the project plan and the company wide project model are maintained to enable the identification and articulation of deviations from it. On the basis of our empirical analysis we propose to support the articulation and coordination work necessary in situations where plans do not adequately work out.


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James M. Perry

An empirical study of the effect of coordination problems on the execution of software development plans is presented in this paper. It builds on empirical behavioral science work on plans, replanning, and situated actions (informal actions) from the field of computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), and relates it in novel ways to software engineering work on the use of formal process models for monitoring and controlling plan deviations. The paper presents two case studies from a software tool/method development project that illustrate the use of due process in the identification of deviations from plans, the resulting replanning, and corrective actions. The first case involves a deviation from the project plan and the company project process, caused by changes in the project scope. The second case involves deviations from requirements, caused by a lack of clarity and coherence in the requirements specification. The case studies summarize excerpts from project meetings and informal discussions with project stakeholders, and illustrate how due process was used and updated for corrective action. Software engineering research emphasizes aspects of technology and process; CSCW emphasizes process and people in cooperative work. The contribution of this paper lies in its leveraging of work in both fields to improve software planning. As such, its audience includes those interested in organizational structure and cooperative behavior within a project, those interested in software process improvement, and software project managers who want a deeper perspective on process to solve project problems. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Computer Supported Cooperative Work  Volume 14, Issue 5
October 2005
105 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2005

Author Tags

  1. articulation work
  2. due process
  3. plans
  4. project management
  5. software engineering


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