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Anonymous and leakage resilient IBE and IPE

Published: 01 November 2017 Publication History


We construct identity-based encryption and inner product encryption schemes under the decision linear assumption. Their private user keys are leakage-resilient in several scenarios. In particular,In the bounded memory leakage model (Akavia et al., TCC, vol. 5444, pp. 474---495, 2009), our basic schemes reach the maximum-possible leakage rate $$1-o(1)$$1-o(1).In the continual memory leakage model (Brakerski et al., Overcoming the hole in the bucket: public-key cryptography resilient to continual memory leakage, 2010; Dodis et al., Cryptography against continuous memory attacks, 2010), variants of the above schemes enjoy leakage rate at least $$\frac{1}{2} -o(1)$$12-o(1). Among the results, we improve upon the work of Brakerski et al. by presenting adaptively secure IBE schemes. In addition, we prove that our IBE schemes are anonymous under the DLIN assumption, so that ciphertexts leaks no information on the corresponding identities. Similarly, attributes in IPE are proved computationally hidden in the corresponding ciphertexts.


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  • (2019)Leakage-Resilient Identity-Based Encryption in Bounded Retrieval Model with Nearly Optimal Leakage-RatioPublic-Key Cryptography – PKC 201910.1007/978-3-030-17253-4_16(466-495)Online publication date: 14-Apr-2019
  • (2018)Efficient and secure big data storage system with leakage resilience in cloud computingSoft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications10.1007/s00500-018-3435-z22:23(7763-7772)Online publication date: 30-Dec-2018



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Published In

cover image Designs, Codes and Cryptography
Designs, Codes and Cryptography  Volume 85, Issue 2
November 2017
200 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 November 2017

Author Tags

  1. 68P25
  2. Anonymity
  3. Identity-based encryption
  4. Inner product encryption
  5. Leakage resilience


  • Article


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  • (2024)Generic Construction of Forward Secure Public Key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword SearchApplied Cryptography and Network Security10.1007/978-3-031-54770-6_10(237-256)Online publication date: 5-Mar-2024
  • (2019)Leakage-Resilient Identity-Based Encryption in Bounded Retrieval Model with Nearly Optimal Leakage-RatioPublic-Key Cryptography – PKC 201910.1007/978-3-030-17253-4_16(466-495)Online publication date: 14-Apr-2019
  • (2018)Efficient and secure big data storage system with leakage resilience in cloud computingSoft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications10.1007/s00500-018-3435-z22:23(7763-7772)Online publication date: 30-Dec-2018

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