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Analyzing developer contributions using artifact traceability graphs

Published: 01 May 2022 Publication History



In a software project, properly analyzing the contributions of developers could provide valuable insights for decision-makers. The contributions of a developer could be in many different forms such as committing and reviewing code, opening and resolving issues. Previous approaches mainly consider the commit-based contributions which provide an incomplete picture of developer contributions.


Different from the traditional commit-based approaches for analyzing developer contributions, we aim to provide a more holistic approach to reflect the rich set of software development activities using artifact traceability graphs.


For analyzing the developer contributions, we propose a novel categorization of developers (Jacks, Mavens and Connectors) in a software project. We introduce a set of algorithms on artifact traceability graphs to identify key developers, recommend replacements for leaving developers and evaluate knowledge distribution among developers.


We evaluate our proposed algorithms on six open-source projects and demonstrate that the identified key developers match the top commenters up to 98%, recommended replacements are correct up to 91% and identified knowledge distribution labels are compatible 94% on average with the baseline approaches.


The proposed algorithms using artifact traceability graphs for analyzing developer contributions could be used by software project decision-makers in several scenarios. (1) Identifying different types of key developers. (2) Finding a replacement developer in large teams. (3) Evaluating the overall knowledge distribution amongst developers to take early precautions.


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Published In

cover image Empirical Software Engineering
Empirical Software Engineering  Volume 27, Issue 3
May 2022
844 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2022
Accepted: 02 February 2022

Author Tags

  1. Key developers
  2. Social networks
  3. Artifact traceability graphs
  4. Developer replacement
  5. Developer turnover
  6. Knowledge distribution


  • Research-article


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