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Combining Sets with Cardinals

Published: 01 January 2005 Publication History


We introduce a quantifier-free set-theoretic language for combining sets with elements in the presence of the cardinality operator. We prove that the language is decidable by providing a combination method specifically tailored to the combination domain of sets, cardinal numbers, and elements. Our method uses as black boxes a decision procedure for the elements and a decision procedure for cardinal numbers. To be correct, our method requires that the theory of elements be stably infinite. However, we show that if we restrict set variables to range over finite sets only, then one can modify our method so that it works even when the theory of the elements is not stably infinite.


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  1. Combining Sets with Cardinals



                          George Hacken

                          The introduction to this excellent, instructive, highly theoretical paper is also a clear statement of its general motivation: to enable (decidable) reasoning about "logical formulas involving sets of elements of a given nature (such as integers, reals, or lists)," and about "the cardinalities of these sets" within the context of program verification (safety and termination proofs). Sections 2 and 5 subsequently provide a specific motivational example of the paper's results. The author's two-level syllogistic with cardinality (2LSC) quantifier-free set-theoretic language with equality, which he introduces, comprises elements, cardinal numbers, and sets as sorts, and expresses constraints via first-order signatures. Readers already familiar with more-than-naive set theory, predicate calculus, decision procedures, and such notions as Hoare triple, signatures, sorts, Herbrand universes, polynomial time (P) and nondeterministic polynomial time (NP), and the Lowenheim-Skolem theorem are the target audience. (Zarba recalls the definition of stably infinite, and shows that his decision procedure works for computing applications where set variables necessarily range over finite sets, irrespective of this stability.) I am a down-in-the-trenches user of the set theory intensive B-method, and pose the somewhat philosophical question, "Is set theory really necessary__?__" to myself almost daily (and I have since my university days). The paper, while not purporting to address this ill-posed question, displays exemplary rigor and meticulousness in addressing decidability issues regarding sets, elements, and cardinality. It has the salutary side effect of showing how useful set theory can be to program verification, if its applications are guided by such experts as the paper's author. Online Computing Reviews Service

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                          Information & Contributors


                          Published In

                          cover image Journal of Automated Reasoning
                          Journal of Automated Reasoning  Volume 34, Issue 1
                          January 2005
                          99 pages



                          Berlin, Heidelberg

                          Publication History

                          Published: 01 January 2005

                          Author Tags

                          1. cardinality
                          2. combining sets
                          3. decision procedure
                          4. set-theoretic language


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                          Cited By

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                          • (2013)Functional synthesis for linear arithmetic and setsInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)10.1007/s10009-011-0217-715:5-6(455-474)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2013
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