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Explanations for over-constrained problems using QuickXPlain with speculative executions

Published: 01 December 2021 Publication History


Conflict detection is used in various scenarios ranging from interactive decision making (e.g., knowledge-based configuration) to the diagnosis of potentially faulty models (e.g., using knowledge base analysis operations). Conflicts can be regarded as sets of restrictions (constraints) causing an inconsistency. Junker’s QuickXPlain is a divide-and-conquer based algorithm for the detection of preferred minimal conflicts. In this article, we present a novel approach to the detection of such conflicts which is based on speculative programming. We introduce a parallelization of QuickXPlain and empirically evaluate this approach on the basis of synthesized knowledge bases representing feature models. The results of this evaluation show significant performance improvements in the parallelized QuickXPlain version.


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  1. Explanations for over-constrained problems using QuickXPlain with speculative executions
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
          Journal of Intelligent Information Systems  Volume 57, Issue 3
          Dec 2021
          204 pages


          Kluwer Academic Publishers

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 December 2021
          Accepted: 30 August 2021
          Revision received: 27 August 2021
          Received: 10 December 2020

          Author Tags

          1. Speculative programming
          2. Conflict detection
          3. Explanations
          4. Constraint solving
          5. Configuration
          6. Diagnosis
          7. Feature models


          • Research-article

          Funding Sources

          • EU FEDER
          • Austrian research promotion agency
          • MINECO project OPHELIA
          • TASOVA network
          • Junta de Andalucia - METAMORFOSIS project


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          • (2023)Elimination of constraints for parallel analysis of feature modelsProceedings of the 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume A10.1145/3579027.3608981(99-110)Online publication date: 28-Aug-2023
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