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Assessment of users' acceptability of a mobile-based embodied conversational agent for the prevention and detection of suicidal behaviour

Published: 01 August 2019 Publication History


The use of embodied conversational agents in mental health has increased in the last years. Several studies exist describing the benefits and advantages of this technology as a complement to psychotherapeutic interventions for the prevention and treatment of depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder, to name a few. A small number of these works implement capabilities in the virtual agent focused on the detection and prevention of suicidality risks. The work presented in this paper describes the development of an embodied conversational agent used as the main interface in HelPath, a mobile-based application addressed to individuals detected with any of the suicidal behaviours: ideation, planning or attempt. The main objective of HelPath is to continuously collect user's information that, complemented with data from the electronic health record, supports the identification of risks associated with suicidality. Through the virtual agent, the users also receive information and suggestions based on cognitive behaviour therapy that would help them to maintain a healthy condition. The paper also presents the execution of an exploratory pilot to assess the acceptability, perception and adherence of users towards the virtual agent. The obtained results are presented and discussed, and some actions for further improvement of the embodied conversational agent are also identified.


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  1. Assessment of users' acceptability of a mobile-based embodied conversational agent for the prevention and detection of suicidal behaviour
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            Published In

            cover image Journal of Medical Systems
            Journal of Medical Systems  Volume 43, Issue 8
            Aug 2019
            559 pages


            Plenum Press

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 01 August 2019

            Author Tags

            1. Embodied conversational agents
            2. Mental healthcare
            3. Mobile health
            4. Suicide prevention


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