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Quantum state control, entanglement, and readout of the Josephson persistent-current qubit

Published: 01 June 2009 Publication History


Quantum state control including entanglement, and readout of the Josephson persistent-current qubit, flux qubit, are reviewed. First, we mention our single-shot readout of quantum superposition state of a flux qubit by a current biased dc-SQUID. Second, we mention entangled state and vacuum Rabi oscillations of a flux-qubit LC-resonator system where qubit-resonator coupled state are controlled by a combination of microwave and DC-shift pulses, resulting in a controlling and measuring sequence analogous to atomic cavity QED. Third, we report our recent progress in high fidelity readout of a flux qubit state via Josephson bifurcation amplifier (JBA).


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Kakuyanagi, K. et al. (in preparation).
  1. Quantum state control, entanglement, and readout of the Josephson persistent-current qubit



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Quantum Information Processing
      Quantum Information Processing  Volume 8, Issue 2-3
      June 2009
      224 pages


      Kluwer Academic Publishers

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 June 2009

      Author Tags

      1. 03.65.-w
      2. 03.65.Ud
      3. 03.67.Lx
      4. 42.50.Pq
      5. 85.25.Cp
      6. 85.25.Dq
      7. Entangled state
      8. JBA: Josephson bifurcation amplifier
      9. Josephson junctions
      10. Quantum bits


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