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A Basis for Analyzing Software Architecture Analysis Methods

Published: 01 December 2005 Publication History


A software architecture is a key asset for any organization that builds complex software-intensive systems. Because of an architecture's central role as a project blueprint, organizations should analyze the architecture before committing resources to it. An analysis helps to ensure that sound architectural decisions are made. Over the past decade a large number of architecture analysis methods have been created, and at least two surveys of these methods have been published. This paper examines the criteria for analyzing architecture analysis methods, and suggests a new set of criteria that focus on the essence of what it means to be an architecture analysis method. These criteria could be used to compare methods, to help understand the suitability of a method, or to improve a method. We then examine two methods--the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method and Architecture-level Modifiability Analysis--in light of these criteria, and provide some insight into how these methods can be improved.


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James M. Perry

Software architecture analysis methods are intended to help system stakeholders understand design tradeoffs, the quality attributes of a particular architecture, and the risks in a particular architecture satisfying system goals. This paper begins with a brief overview of software architecture analysis methods, and identifies four criteria that are important for a method to be effective and usable: identification of business goals; focus on quality attributes that support those goals and the architecture properties that, in turn, support those attributes; analysis support; and verification that the results of the analysis relate back to and support the business goals. After introducing the four criteria, the authors apply them in detail to the architecture tradeoff analysis method (ATAM), and briefly to the architecture-level modifiability analysis (ALMA). Each application results in suggested improvements related to better satisfying the criteria. The paper contributes to improving software architecture analysis methods. However, its significance is broader. First, its principles also apply to other engineering disciplines, for example, systems engineering. While the paper focuses on comparing and improving software architecture analysis methods, it clearly also holds relevance for system and software development. The use of improved analysis methods early in system development can influence architectural and design decisions, so the desired attributes and properties that best support system goals can be effectively attained. The audience for this paper includes architects and designers, managers, process improvement personnel, and other system stakeholders. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image Software Quality Journal
Software Quality Journal  Volume 13, Issue 4
December 2005
116 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2005

Author Tags

  1. analysis methods
  2. architecture analysis
  3. quality attributes
  4. software architecture


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