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A systematic survey on automated concurrency bug detection, exposing, avoidance, and fixing techniques

Published: 01 September 2018 Publication History


Currently, concurrent programs are becoming increasingly widespread to meet the demands of the rapid development of multi-core hardware. However, it could be quite expensive and challenging to guarantee the correctness and efficiency of concurrent programs. In this paper, we provide a systematic review of the existing research on fighting against concurrency bugs, including automated concurrency bug exposing, detection, avoidance, and fixing. These four categories cover the different aspects of concurrency bug problems and are complementary to each other. For each category, we survey the motivation, key issues, solutions, and the current state of the art. In addition, we summarize the classical benchmarks widely used in previous empirical studies and the contribution of active research groups. Finally, some future research directions on concurrency bugs are recommended. We believe this survey would be useful for concurrency programmers and researchers.


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cover image Software Quality Journal
Software Quality Journal  Volume 26, Issue 3
September 2018
326 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

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Published: 01 September 2018

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  1. Concurrency bug avoidance
  2. Concurrency bug detection
  3. Concurrency bug exposing
  4. Concurrency bug fixing


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