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CCFinder: using Spark to find clustering coefficient in big graphs

Published: 01 November 2017 Publication History


Networks with billions of vertices introduce new challenges to perform graph analysis in a reasonable time. Clustering coefficient is an important analytical measure of networks such as social networks and biological networks. To compute clustering coefficient in big graphs, existing distributed algorithms suffer from low efficiency such that they may fail due to demanding lots of memory, or even, if they complete successfully, their execution time is not acceptable for real-world applications. We present a distributed MapReduce-based algorithm, called CCFinder, to efficiently compute clustering coefficient in very big graphs. CCFinder is executed on Apache Spark, a scalable data processing platform. It efficiently detects existing triangles through using our proposed data structure, called FONL, which is cached in the distributed memory provided by Spark and reused multiple times. As data items in the FONL are fine-grained and contain the minimum required information, CCFinder requires less storage space and has better parallelism in comparison with its competitors. To find clustering coefficient, our solution to triangle counting is extended to have degree information of the vertices in the appropriate places. We performed several experiments on a Spark cluster with 60 processors. The results show that CCFinder achieves acceptable scalability and outperforms six existing competitor methods. Four competitors are those methods proposed based on graph processing systems, i.e., GraphX, NScale, NScaleSpark, and Pregel frameworks, and two others are the Cohen's method and NodeIterator++, introduced based on MapReduce.


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  1. CCFinder: using Spark to find clustering coefficient in big graphs



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image The Journal of Supercomputing
        The Journal of Supercomputing  Volume 73, Issue 11
        November 2017
        469 pages


        Kluwer Academic Publishers

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 November 2017

        Author Tags

        1. Clustering coefficient
        2. Graph processing
        3. MapReduce
        4. Triangle counting


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