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FPGA Implementation of a Pipelined On-Line Backpropagation

Published: 01 June 2005 Publication History


The paper describes the implementation of a systolic array for a multilayer perceptron with a hardware-friendly learning algorithm. A pipelined modification of the on-line backpropagation algorithm is shown and explained. It better exploits the parallelism because both the forward and backward phases can be performed simultaneously. The neural network performance for the proposed modification is discussed and compared with the standard so-called on-line backpropagation algorithm in typical databases and with the various precisions required. Although the preliminary results are positive, subsequent theoretical analysis and further experiments with different training sets will be necessary. For this reason our VLSI systolic architecture--together with the combination of FPGA reconfiguration properties and a design flow based on generic VHDL--can create a reusable, flexible, and fast method of designing a complete ANN on a single FPGA and can permit very fast hardware verifications for our trials of the Pipeline On-line Backpropagation algorithm and the standard algorithms.


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Vladimir Botchev

This paper is a technical report summarized in these lines: There exist powerful field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and there exist back propagation neural network algorithms, the authors put these together. Given the paper's length and the many figures it contains, one might think it announces some breakthrough or presents a novel way to teach the state-of-the-art techniques in the field. Unfortunately, neither of these is true. The paper begins with some theoretical re-derivations of back propagation, which achieve the feat more obscurely than many similar re-derivations. It continues by exploring two main threads: considerations of numerical precision and the architecture of the so-called systolic implementation. For the first, the results are simply borrowed, as the authors acknowledge, from previous research by others in the field. For the second, there is no clearly shown mapping process and thus one might think the architecture is ad hoc. This would have been a positive indication if the architecture had turned out to be a novel one. More than a decade ago, S.Y. Kung published a book [1] with a chapter completely devoted to neural network implementations, almost exclusively with systolic architectures. In fact, one of his processing elements (PEs) designs is a very close match to the PEs from this paper. However, Kung's book is not even cited. In conclusion, this paper has no merits other than the fact that it reports on a successful implementation of a somewhat complex algorithm on modern programmable hardware. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems
Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems  Volume 40, Issue 2
June 2005
110 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2005

Author Tags

  1. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
  2. FPGA implementation
  3. VLSI systolic architecture
  4. backpropagation algorithm


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