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SDN and Virtualization-Based LTE Mobile Network Architectures: A Comprehensive Survey

Published: 01 February 2016 Publication History


Software-defined networking (SDN) features the decoupling of the control plane and data plane, a programmable network and virtualization, which enables network infrastructure sharing and the "softwarization" of the network functions. Recently, many research works have tried to redesign the traditional mobile network using two of these concepts in order to deal with the challenges faced by mobile operators, such as the rapid growth of mobile traffic and new services. In this paper, we first provide an overview of SDN, network virtualization, and network function virtualization, and then describe the current LTE mobile network architecture as well as its challenges and issues. By analyzing and categorizing a wide range of the latest research works on SDN and virtualization in LTE mobile networks, we present a general architecture for SDN and virtualization in mobile networks (called SDVMN) and then propose a hierarchical taxonomy based on the different levels of the carrier network. We also present an in-depth analysis about changes related to protocol operation and architecture when adopting SDN and virtualization in mobile networks. In addition, we list specific use cases and applications that benefit from SDVMN. Last but not least, we discuss the open issues and future research directions of SDVMN.


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  1. SDN and Virtualization-Based LTE Mobile Network Architectures: A Comprehensive Survey
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            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            cover image Wireless Personal Communications: An International Journal
            Wireless Personal Communications: An International Journal  Volume 86, Issue 3
            Feb 2016
            621 pages


            Kluwer Academic Publishers

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 01 February 2016

            Author Tags

            1. 5G mobile network
            2. Evolved packet core
            3. Future mobile network
            4. LTE
            5. Network function virtualization
            6. Network virtualization
            7. Software defined networking


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