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Studying the XML Web: Gathering Statistics from an XML Sample

Published: 01 December 2005 Publication History


XML has emerged as the language for exchanging data on the web and has attracted considerable interest both in industry and in academia. Nevertheless, to date, little is known about the XML documents published on the web. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of a sample of about 200,000 XML documents on the web, and is the first study of its kind. We study the distribution of XML documents across the web in several ways; moreover, we provided a detailed characterization of the structure of real XML documents. Our results provide valuable input to the design of algorithms, tools and systems that use XML in one form or another.


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George R. Mayforth

According to the authors, "little is known about the XML documents published on the Web." This provides the motivation for the analysis presented in this paper, which examines "the distribution of XML documents across the Web in several ways," and presents "a detailed characterization of the structure of real XML documents. [The authors'] results provide valuable input to the design of algorithms, tools and systems that use XML in one form or another." One cannot argue with this characterization of the paper, but, unlike Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the use of which is well known and understood, Extensible Markup Language (XML) represents an infrastructure element of the Web, which can describe almost any type of data. This adds the need for context, leading one to conclude that an analysis of XML would be greatly enhanced by relating the use of the documents to their structure. The authors state that their analysis is the first of its kind, which leaves us reluctant to be critical of their goals for the work, but reading the paper raises other such questions. For example, consider the universe of documents the authors studied: they analyzed about 200,000 XML documents, from a total population that has no reliable size estimate, because obtaining such an estimate is "intrinsically difficult." What does this mean with regard to the generality of the analysis__?__ How representative are these documents of the whole universe of them__?__ The authors "hope that [their] results will provide valuable insight for guiding the development of algorithms, tools and systems that process XML in one form or another. In particular, [they] believe [their] results have direct application in the development of meaningful benchmarks for XML applications." I agree with this statement, and an earlier one (not quoted here) that this paper represents a starting point. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image World Wide Web
World Wide Web  Volume 8, Issue 4
December 2005
141 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2005

Author Tags

  1. World Wide Web
  2. XML
  3. XML Documents
  4. XML processing tools
  5. XML web


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  • (2016)An Optimal Ancestry Labeling Scheme with Applications to XML Trees and Universal PosetsJournal of the ACM10.1145/279407663:1(1-31)Online publication date: 12-Feb-2016
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