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Logic programming and knowledge representation-the A-prolog perspective

Published: 01 June 2002 Publication History


In this paper we give a short introduction to logic programming approach to knowledge representation and reasoning. The intention is to help the reader to develop a `feel' for the field's history and some of its recent developments. The discussion is mainly limited to logic programs under the answer set semantics. For understanding of approaches to logic programming built on well-founded semantics, general theories of argumentation, abductive reasoning, etc., the reader is referred to other publications.


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Matthew Mark Huntbach

Classic Prolog, with its SLD-resolution method for answering queries, has stood the test of time, remaining the only well-known logic programming language, in spite of many proposed alternatives. Prolog’s logic is severely restricted, but it is enhanced with “negation as failure” (NAF), in which the negation of a query is assumed true if an attempt to answer the query using SLD-resolution fails. Thus, NAF makes a closed world assumption: there is nothing beyond the world we know about. This paper summarizes recent work, and establishes a new basis for logic programming using answer set semantics rather than SLD-resolution. This enables a much richer handling of negation than in Prolog. Non-monotonicity is accepted and handled well, rather than introduced accidentally, as in Prolog’s NAF. There is a neat handling of defaults: common-sense reasoning we use in real life, since we don’t live in closed worlds. The possibility of the practical use of answer set semantic logic programming is increased by the development of more efficient reasoning algorithms for it, one of which is described in this paper. The emphasis of the paper, however, is much more on getting the logic right than on practical programming language implementation. Logic programming has dropped out of fashion since the boom associated with its adoption by the Japanese Fifth Generation project. This paper shows that it has not stood still, and that some previously tricky issues have now been tackled. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence  Volume 138, Issue 1-2
June 2002
231 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2002

Author Tags

  1. answer set programming
  2. default reasoning
  3. logic programming
  4. nonmonotonic reasoning


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