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Hybrid backtracking bounded by tree-decomposition of constraint networks

Published: 01 May 2003 Publication History


We propose a framework for solving CSPs based both on backtracking techniques and on the notion of tree-decomposition of the constraint networks. This mixed approach permits us to define a new framework for the enumeration, which we expect that it will benefit from the advantages of two approaches: a practical efficiency of enumerative algorithms and a warranty of a limited time complexity by an approximation of the tree-width of the constraint networks. Finally, experimental results allow us to show the advantages of this approach.


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Published In

cover image Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence  Volume 146, Issue 1
May 2003
121 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2003

Author Tags

  1. constraint networks
  2. empirical evaluation
  3. hybrid algorithms
  4. time-space
  5. tree-decomposition


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