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An incremental adaptive neural network model for online noisy data regression and its application to compartment fire studies

Published: 01 January 2011 Publication History


This paper presents a probabilistic-entropy-based neural network (PENN) model for tackling online data regression problems. The network learns online with an incremental growth network structure and performs regression in a noisy environment. The training samples presented to the model are clustered into hyperellipsoidal Gaussian kernels in the joint space of the input and output domains by using the principles of Bayesian classification and minimization of entropy. The joint probability distribution is established by applying the Parzen density estimator to the kernels. The prediction is carried out by evaluating the expected conditional mean of the output space with the given input vector. The PENN model is demonstrated to be able to remove symmetrically distributed noise embedded in the training samples. The performance of the model was evaluated by three benchmarking problems with noisy data (i.e., Ozone, Friedman#1, and Santa Fe Series E). The results show that the PENN model is able to outperform, statistically, other artificial neural network models. The PENN model is also applied to solve a fire safety engineering problem. It has been adopted to predict the height of the thermal interface which is one of the indicators of fire safety level of the fire compartment. The data samples are collected from a real experiment and are noisy in nature. The results show the superior performance of the PENN model working in a noisy environment, and the results are found to be acceptable according to industrial requirements.


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  1. An incremental adaptive neural network model for online noisy data regression and its application to compartment fire studies



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Applied Soft Computing
      Applied Soft Computing  Volume 11, Issue 1
      January, 2011
      1490 pages


      Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


      Publication History

      Published: 01 January 2011

      Author Tags

      1. Artificial neural network
      2. Compartment fire
      3. Kernel regression


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      • (2016)A Constrained Optimization based Extreme Learning Machine for noisy data regressionNeurocomputing10.1016/j.neucom.2015.07.065171:C(1431-1443)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016
      • (2016)A SVR-based ensemble approach for drifting data streams with recurring patternsApplied Soft Computing10.1016/j.asoc.2016.06.03047:C(553-564)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2016
      • (2014)A fully autonomous kernel-based online learning neural network model and its application to building cooling load predictionSoft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications10.1007/s00500-013-1181-918:10(1999-2014)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2014

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