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Application of genetic algorithm in crack detection of beam-like structures using a new cracked Euler-Bernoulli beam element

Published: 01 February 2013 Publication History


In this paper, a crack identification approach is presented for detecting crack depth and location in beam-like structures. For this purpose, a new beam element with a single transverse edge crack, in arbitrary position of beam element with any depth, is developed. The crack is not physically modeled within the element, but its effect on the local flexibility of the element is considered by the modification of the element stiffness as a function of crack's depth and position. The development is based on a simplified model, where each crack is substituted by a corresponding linear rotational spring, connecting two adjacent elastic parts. The localized spring may be represented based on linear fracture mechanics theory. The components of the stiffness matrix for the cracked element are derived using the conjugate beam concept and Betti's theorem, and finally represented in closed-form expressions. The proposed beam element is efficiently employed for solving forward problem (i.e., to gain accurate natural frequencies of beam-like structures knowing the cracks' characteristics). To validate the proposed element, results obtained by new element are compared with two-dimensional (2D) finite element results as well as available experimental measurements. Moreover, by knowing the natural frequencies, an inverse problem is established in which the cracks location and depth are identified. In the inverse approach, an optimization problem based on the new beam element and genetic algorithms (GAs) is solved to search the solution. The proposed approach is verified through various examples on cracked beams with different damage scenarios. It is shown that the present algorithm is able to identify various crack configurations in a cracked beam.


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Published In

cover image Applied Soft Computing
Applied Soft Computing  Volume 13, Issue 2
February, 2013
565 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 February 2013

Author Tags

  1. Crack detection
  2. Genetic algorithm
  3. Inverse problem
  4. Natural frequency
  5. Single transverse crack
  6. Stiffness matrix


  • Article


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