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Inferring tag co-occurrence relationship across heterogeneous social networks

Published: 01 May 2018 Publication History

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Study the problem of the tag co-occurrence relationship prediction in Flickr heterogeneous social network.
Present a novel data structure to capture the correlation between images and tags in the Flickr network.
Leverage a weight path-based feature space to illustrate structural information in co-occurrence prediction.
Denote a new similarity measure to capture the subtle similarity semantics between peer objects in heterogeneous networks.
Our method can predict co-occurrence relationship with high accuracy compared with the state-of-the-art link prediction methods.


Predicting the occurrence of links or interactions between objects in a network is a fundamental problem in network analysis. In this work, we address a novel problem about tag co-occurrence relationship prediction across heterogeneous networks. Although tag co-occurrence has recently become a hot research topic, many studies mainly focus on how to produce the personalized recommendation leveraging the tag co-occurrence relationship and most of them are considered in a homogeneous network. So far, few studies pay attention to how to predict tag co-occurrence relationship across heterogeneous networks. In order to solve this novel problem mentioned previously, we propose a novel three-step prediction approach. First, image-tag bins are generated by utilizing the TF-IDF like method, which help reduce the search space. And then, weight path-based topological features are systematically extracted from the network. At last, a supervised model is used to learn the best weights associated with different topological features in deciding the co-occurrence relationships. Experiments are performed on real-world dataset, the Flickr network, with comprehensive measurements. Experimental results demonstrate that weight path-based heterogeneous topological features have substantial advantages over commonly used link prediction approaches in predicting co-occurrence relations in Flickr networks.


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  1. Inferring tag co-occurrence relationship across heterogeneous social networks
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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Applied Soft Computing
      Applied Soft Computing  Volume 66, Issue C
      May 2018
      564 pages


      Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


      Publication History

      Published: 01 May 2018

      Author Tags

      1. Tag co-occurrence
      2. Link prediction
      3. Heterogeneous network
      4. Flickr
      5. Weight path


      • Research-article


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      • (2023)Which account will you follow? Recommending influential accounts on social mediaMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-023-14538-382:22(34053-34074)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2023
      • (2022)Ranked enumeration of join queries with projectionsProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3510397.351040115:5(1024-1037)Online publication date: 18-May-2022
      • (2020)Measure User Intimacy by Mining Maximum Information Transmission PathsComplexity10.1155/2020/23764512020Online publication date: 21-Mar-2020

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