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Tree trunk texture classification using multi-scale statistical macro binary patterns and CNN

Published: 01 March 2022 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Automated plant classification using tree trunk has attracted increasing interest in the computer vision community as a contributed solution for the management of biodiversity. It is based on the description of the texture information of the bark surface. The multi-scale variants of the local binary patterns have achieved prominent performance in bark texture description. However, these approaches encode the scale levels of the macrostructure separately from each other. In this paper, a novel handcrafted texture descriptor termed multi-scale Statistical Macro Binary Patterns (ms-SMBP) is proposed to encode the characterizing macro pattern of different bark species. The proposed approach consists of defining a sampling scheme at high scale levels and summarizing the intensity distribution using statistical measures. The characterizing macro pattern is encoded by an in-depth gradient that describes the relationship between the scale levels and their adaptive statistical prototype. Besides this handcrafted feature descriptor, a learning-based description is performed with the ResNet34 model for bark classification. Extensive and comprehensive experiments on challenging and large-scale bark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of ms-SMBP to identify bark species and outperforming different multi-scale LBP approaches. The tree trunk classification with ResNet34 shows interesting results on a very large-scale dataset.


    A novel handcrafted texture descriptor for bark representation based on binary patterns.
    The texture descriptor encodes the characterizing macro binary pattern using in-depth intensity distribution variations in large spatial supports.
    Different combinations of complementary statistical descriptors are performed for bark surface representation.
    Bark species classification with deep learning convolutional model using ResNet34.
    Quantitative comparison between the handcrafted and the deep learning features for bark classification.


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    1. Tree trunk texture classification using multi-scale statistical macro binary patterns and CNN
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            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            cover image Applied Soft Computing
            Applied Soft Computing  Volume 118, Issue C
            Mar 2022
            621 pages


            Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


            Publication History

            Published: 01 March 2022

            Author Tags

            1. Tree Bark
            2. Texture
            3. Statistical description
            4. Macro binary pattern
            5. ResNet


            • Research-article


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