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An analytical tool to support public policies and isolation barriers against SARS-CoV-2 based on mobility patterns and socio-economic aspects

Published: 01 May 2023 Publication History


It is crucial to develop spatiotemporal analysis tools to mitigate risks during a pandemic. Many dashboards encountered in the literature do not consider how the geolocation characteristics and travel patterns may influence the spread of the virus. This work brings an interactive tool that is capable of crossing information about mobility patterns, geolocation characteristics and epidemiologic variables. To do so, our system uses a mobility network, generated through anonymized mobile location data, which enables the division of a region into representative clusters. The clusters’ aggregated socioeconomic, and epidemiologic indicators can be analyzed through multiple coordinated views. The proposal is to enable users to understand how different locations commute citizens, monitor risk over time, and understand what locations need more assistance, considering different layers of visualization, such as clusters and individual locations. The main novelty is the interactive way to construct the mobility network that defines the social distancing level and the way that risks are managed, since many different geolocation characteristics can be considered and visualized, such as socioeconomic indicators of a location, the economic importance of a set of locations, and the connection of important neighborhoods of a city with other cities. The proposed tool was built and verified by experts assembled to give scientific recommendations to the city administration of Recife, the capital city of Pernambuco. Our analysis shows how a policymaker could use the tool to evaluate different isolation scenarios considering the trade-off between economic activity and contamination risk, where the practical insights can also be used to tighten and relax mitigation measures in other phases of a pandemic.


Visual analytics tool based on anonymized mobile phone users’ location data.
Considers mobility patterns and socio-economic aspects for recovery planning.
Visual analysis of clusters and of the spread of COVID-19 for reopening cities.
Well-being implications due to a risk-based social distancing management.
The visual analytics tool can be used to support policy analysis.


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Published In

cover image Applied Soft Computing
Applied Soft Computing  Volume 138, Issue C
May 2023
543 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 May 2023

Author Tags

  1. Mobility patterns
  2. COVID-19
  3. SARS-CoV-2
  4. Network model
  5. Visualization
  6. Decision support


  • Research-article


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