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Freeform digital ink annotations in electronic documents

Published: 01 April 2016 Publication History


A variety of different approaches have been used to add digital ink annotations to text-based documents. While the majority of research in this field has focused on annotation support for static documents, a small number of studies have investigated support for documents in which the underlying content is changed. Although the approaches used to annotate static documents have been relatively successful, the annotation of dynamic text documents poses significant challenges which remain largely unsolved. However, it is difficult to clearly identify the successful techniques and the remaining challenges since there has not yet been a comprehensive review of digital ink annotation research. This paper reports the results of a systematic mapping study of existing work, and presents a taxonomy categorizing digital ink annotation research. Graphical abstractDisplay Omitted HighlightsAdding annotations to documents is well covered but the order of steps varies by implementation.Automatic adaptation is a gap in the current literature.There is only one study of user expectations on automatic adaptation.The type of input mechanism influences the functionality provided and how it is implemented.There is a wide variety of additional functionality investigated.


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Computers and Graphics  Volume 55, Issue C
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