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Fast collision detection between high resolution polygonal models

Published: 01 October 2019 Publication History


We use the EBP-Octree data structure to detect colliding triangles very complex scenarios.
First-collision detection is achieved in real time.
Intersecting triangles are detected in 0.003 s each intersection.
Models we have used cannot be tested in top-cited toolkits (PQP, SWIFT, etc.).
An out-of-core cache mechanism to allow the algorithm run in different memory environments.

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In this paper, we address the problem of collision detection between very high resolution polygonal models. We propose an approach that uses the EBP-Octree data structure in a single-core CPU architecture. The algorithm manages a set of files to support a cache-like out-of-core algorithm that performs the collision and intersection tests. Our method uses a data structure called EBP-Octree (Extended Bounding-Planes Octree), which is a very tight hierarchy of convex bounding volumes that, based on a spatial decomposition of the model using an octree, defines a bounding volume at each node by a subset of the planes of the portion of polygonal model contained at that node. The system adapts the memory consumption to the system’s hardware features so it can provide exact triangle collision detection in almost any environment, since the amount of information in the main memory can be limited just varying the threshold of the EBP-Octree. We have tested the data structure and the algorithm in scenarios where two models of 28 million polygons move through one another, achieving real time frame rates for first collision tests on a commonly available computer.


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  1. Fast collision detection between high resolution polygonal models
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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Computers and Graphics
        Computers and Graphics  Volume 83, Issue C
        Oct 2019
        122 pages


        Pergamon Press, Inc.

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 October 2019

        Author Tags

        1. Collision detection
        2. Hierarchical bounding volumes
        3. Mesh geometry models


        • Research-article


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