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Intranet satisfaction questionnaire: Development and validationof a questionnaire to measure user satisfaction with the Intranet

Published: 01 November 2009 Publication History


In recent years, Intranets have become increasingly important to their companies. Substantial investments have been made to provide crucial information and workflows to employees. In this context the question of quality assurance arises: how can user satisfaction with the Intranet be measured? This article presents the development of a questionnaire to measure user satisfaction with the Intranet. After a first validation of the instrument (18 items) in an international insurance company (N"1=881), a final set of 13 items remained. These were tested with the Intranet of a national retail company (N"2=1350). The final version showed a high internal consistency (Cronbach @a) of .89, good item difficulties (.36-.73) and discriminatory power coefficients (.48-.73), as well as a moderate average homogeneity of .44. An exploratory factor analysis revealed two factors, ''Content Quality'' and ''Intranet Usability'', explaining 56.54% of the variance. Meanwhile, the survey was translated into 10 languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, and Spanish.


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  1. Intranet satisfaction questionnaire: Development and validationof a questionnaire to measure user satisfaction with the Intranet



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    Published In

    cover image Computers in Human Behavior
    Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 25, Issue 6
    November, 2009
    193 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


    Publication History

    Published: 01 November 2009

    Author Tags

    1. Enterprise portal
    2. Intranet
    3. Measure
    4. Questionnaire
    5. Survey
    6. Usability
    7. User satisfaction


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