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The trajectories of online mental health information seeking: : Modeling search behavior before and after completion of self-report screens

Published: 17 July 2024 Publication History


There is an appreciable mental health treatment gap in the United States. Efforts to bridge this gap and improve resource accessibility have led to the provision of online, clinically-validated tools for mental health self-assessment. In theory, these screens serve as an invaluable component of information-seeking, representing the preparative and action-oriented stages of this process while altering or reinforcing the search content and language of individuals as they engage with information online. Accordingly, this work investigated the association of screen completion with mental health-related search behaviors. Three-year internet search histories from N = 7572 Microsoft Bing users were paired with their respective depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or psychosis online screen completion and sociodemographic data available through Mental Health America. Data was transformed into network representations to model queries as discrete steps with probabilities and times-to-transition from one search type to another. Search data subsequent to screen completion was also modeled using Markov chains to simulate likelihood trajectories of different search types through time. Differences in querying dynamics relative to screen completion were observed, with searches involving treatment, diagnosis, suicidal ideation, and suicidal intent commonly emerging as the highest probability behavioral information seeking endpoints. Moreover, results pointed to the association of low risk states of psychopathology with transitions to extreme clinical outcomes (i.e., active suicidal intent). Future research is required to draw definitive conclusions regarding causal relationships between screens and search behavior.


Online mental health screen completion is associated with search behavior changes.
Help-seeking after screen completion is prominent in those with mild symptomatology.
Suicidal intent is a highly probable search topic 2–4 weeks post screen completion.
Online screen completion and search behavior profiles may aid symptom forecasting.


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Published In

cover image Computers in Human Behavior
Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 157, Issue C
Aug 2024
281 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 17 July 2024

Author Tags

  1. Mental health
  2. Screen
  3. Online search behavior
  4. Network model
  5. Markov chain
  6. Simulation


  • Research-article


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