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The power of a blockchain-based supply chain

Published: 01 September 2019 Publication History


Adopting different technologies and techniques create a reliable tracking system.
Blockchain makes the supply chain secure, transparent, authentic and trustworthy.
Blockchain used as a transactional network, to run and verify a smart contract.
Dual data storage architecture is required to avoid degrading blockchain performance.
All deployed sensors must be authenticated and must sign data before transmission.


A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. It is designed to maintain the quality of sensitive goods during the whole shipment. Centralized supply chain management systems expose the supply chain to corruption, fraud, and tampering. Blockchain has emerged as a new distributed information technology; it represents a new approach in supply chain area, where visibility and transparency of product flows are the principal challenges. This paper describes how the blockchain can be integrated into the supply chain architecture to create a reliable, transparent, authentic and secure system. To reach this goal, we studied the benefits of introducing the blockchain to the supply chain and the challenges encountered in a blockchain-based supply chain management ecosystem. We combined theoretical and real-world application studies to build our theory about the requirements for an efficient blockchain-based supply chain.


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            Published In

            cover image Computers and Industrial Engineering
            Computers and Industrial Engineering  Volume 135, Issue C
            Sep 2019
            1324 pages


            Pergamon Press, Inc.

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 01 September 2019

            Author Tags

            1. Blockchain
            2. Supply chain management
            3. Traceability systems
            4. Decentralized systems

            Author Tags

            1. API
            2. BLE
            3. CCD
            4. ERP
            5. EVM
            6. FDA
            7. GDP
            8. GPRS
            9. GPS
            10. HTTP
            11. IoT
            12. IPFS
            13. JSON
            14. M2M
            15. NFC
            16. NMBA
            17. PBFT
            18. QR code
            19. REST
            20. RFID
            21. 3G
            22. URL


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